Masturbation: Victorian Vs. Modern Society

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Hello Everyone!

I’m back this week with another edition of Victorian Naughtiness… or something of the like. This week’s topic is masturbation. What was the public opinion on the matter? Did people EVER masturbate or??

Find out more below!

In Victorian times, masturbation was seen as a downright moral disgrace. Completely shunned by society, masturbation was even believed to cause heart disorders, cancer and hysteria (hello! OBVIOUSLY this one is true ;). Some even claimed that while it may not cause the 3 former conditions (Wth? they don’t even know?), it would surely worsen an existing health concern. It would also, undoubtedly, lead to hopeless insanity that was inheritable by your offspring. So, ladies and gentleman, be wary of masturbation as it is literally a sickness that can be transferred to your children! (hehe, kidding!)

Lastly, in the rarest of cases, some women accused of masturbation were subject to clitoridectomy (removal of clitoris). In extreme and extremely rare cases, even children or babies thought to be touching themselves might be subjected to clitoridectomy (not sure why little boys and men never were; can you guess?) and forever shamed by society or sent to convents. In spite of it all, masturbation was most likely still practiced during this time although it was likely a VERY personal secret due to the serious consequences one subjected themselves to if caught in the act. It is even more likely that masturbation was rare, not due to lack of desire, but only due to fear of the repercussions.

Back to the present! Thank goodness, all that talk of clitoridectomy really freaks me out. Thankfully, in modern days, society frowns upon the act of clitoridectomy rather than encourages it. Nowadays, masturbation is much more acceptable and sometimes even openly discussed among peers. Sex has graciously become a topic widely discussed as the years rush on. Still, with all the open minds, there are small populations of people who still consider masturbation immoral and wrong, specifically certain religious sects who believe this practice to be a sin against God and a way to bring Satan into your life(I do not believe in this!). I have actually even found websites that claim masturbation to be harmful to the body which I believe is completely and totally false. Studies have shown that masturbation and sex are both physically beneficial to the body, the heart, and your immunity. Whatever your beliefs, I humbly beg you to visit a credible medical website (WebMD is a good one!) or contact your primary physician with your concerns.

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