Tag Archives: victorian times

Prostitution: Victorian Vs. Modern Times

Prostitution is arguably the oldest profession in the history of human kind. It has been employed since before the time of Christ and is still very much alive today. In fact it has played a large part in women sexuality from Victorian times until now. Although outlawed in many countries today, prostitution still occurs either […]

Homosexuality:Victorian Vs. Modern Times

Homosexuality has been the subject of controversy for hundreds of years, perhaps more. Existing since the dawn of man, it seems that many societies including those in Victorian times viewed homosexuality negatively. In the mid to late-1800′s, homosexuality was seen as the practices of a “sinner” and was thought to only be practiced by men, […]

Masturbation: Victorian Vs. Modern Society

Hello Everyone! I’m back this week with another edition of Victorian Naughtiness… or something of the like. This week’s topic is masturbation. What was the public opinion on the matter? Did people EVER masturbate or?? Find out more below! In Victorian times, masturbation was seen as a downright moral disgrace. Completely shunned by society, masturbation […]

Sexual Activity: Victoria Era Vs. Modern Day

In the Victorian era, sexual intercourse was a practice only considered socially acceptable in order to procreate. Sexual desires were accepted for men, but considered not virtuous for women. In fact, promiscuity was thought to be a sign of national decay. Early love manuals encourage intercourse for pleasure, but caution readers to refrain from intercourse […]

Sexual Activity: Victoria Era Vs. Modern Day

In the Victorian era, sexual intercourse was a practice only considered socially acceptable in order to procreate. Sexual desires were accepted for men, but considered not virtuous for women. In fact, promiscuity was thought to be a sign of national decay. Early love manuals encourage intercourse for pleasure, but caution readers to refrain from intercourse […]