Homosexuality:Victorian Vs. Modern Times

Homosexuality has been the subject of controversy for hundreds of years, perhaps more. Existing since the dawn of man, it seems that many societies including those in Victorian times viewed homosexuality negatively. In the mid to late-1800′s, homosexuality was seen as the practices of a “sinner” and was thought to only be practiced by men, although we know that is likely to be very untrue. After the late 1800′s, there was a shift in society’s opinion on homosexuals from being dubbed “sinners” to being thought of as “social deviants” or “perverts.” But as I will repeat again, in the words of Lady Gaga, “A different lover is not a sin, believe capital H-I-M.”

Up until the 1980s, homosexuality was seen as a sickness caused by a weak father and a controlling or dominant mother. Since the 1980′s, many strides have been made to change the public view of homosexuals and their lives with the creation of many gay rights associations, the well known LGBT organization, legalization of gay marriage AKA same sex union in many countries and in the U.S. only in certain states, and most importantly, more of an acceptance of the homosexual community as a whole by the general public.

Although it is true that we have come a long way in LGBT rights, we still have a very long way to go in achieving equality for the homosexual community as a whole and it seems an even longer way to go in achieving an accepting view on LGBT communities from society as a whole.

Still widely disputed today, homosexuals, both male and female, experience many hardships in their daily lives including religious exile, bans from child adoptions, and, in some cases, shaming and harassment from various members of society.

I urge every reader to open their hearts and minds to accepting LGBT as a way of life that is not a choice for someone, but in the words of the brilliant Lady Gaga, they were “born this way” just like any straight person was born straight.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Homosexuality:

  • The word “homosexual” is a term disliked by the gay community for it defines the person’s orientation, not them as a person on the whole. 
  • Other derivatives of the word homosexual used throughout history: Homophile (1960), Homo-erotic (1916), Homophobe (1970’s), Homophobia (1969), and Homos (1930’s).
  • Homosexuality was very common in early B.C. Greece, Egypt, & Roman societies. In Greece in particular, sexual orientation was not something clearly defined or frowned upon and was not used as a social identifier as it is in present day Western societies.
  • Homosexuality is common among many animals, both domestic and wild, including dogs, birds, cats, etc.
  • The term homosexual has in the past only referred to men who are attracted to other men, but modernly refers to both men who are attracted to men and women who are attracted to other women.

To learn more about LGBT support and what you can do to learn more or help out in your community, please visit gaycenter.org for more information.

Don’t be a drag, just be a queen. 🙂

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